When we started out Fashion Fail Fridays, we were so excited to give everyone the opportunity to win $25 to take themselves shopping at Heylee B. We expected to be flooded with entries, and have honestly been surprised by the lack of interest in winning money! Now, this is saying two things. 

1. It's really easy to win.

2. We are thinking you guys take yourself too seriously! 

We want this to be fun, entertaining, and a place where you can let yourself be free! And we want you to WIN!!! 

So, this week, we had one entry from Samantha Carter. We are in love with both pictures that she sent to us, and couldn't decide on just one. So we will post them both! From the jean dress with the stripe down the side (sort of like track pants), to the epic floral print dress with matching hat, we loved these!! You look amazing in both of these photos, and we can all relate to the looks of the 90s.


As an added bonus, we wanted to show a great picture of Heylee B owner, Heylee Achten. I mean seriously, who doesn't love the all one color sweatsuit with giant cat decal on it? We think she looks adorable totally going vogue in this photo as well. A true fashionista! 


Make sure to not miss out on winning some money towards your wardrobe! Send us your fashion fail photos to kate@heyleeb.com so we can add them to the cue! As of now, your chances of winning are very good! 



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